“Then video game works are something that is touched.”

Hi Ryoya, hope you’re having an interesting day! You made games focusing on the theme of “unfamiliarity”, I also think your works treat familiar and everyday elements of life in a very much unfamiliar way. Maybe I should say they become more familiar than the reality itself? You work with 3D, a “reality” created digitally. What are your thoughts on those themes, how did you get attracted to them?

I think that familiarity forms our ways to see and feel this world. We have different familiarity which has been built by own life background. It provides us a sense of safety, yet is not very easy to be changed and could limit our possibility to experience this world in a new way.  Approaching to unfamiliarity can make us think about what does our familiarity look like. I want to re-think about our familiarity and expand it. Computer graphics is a good way to do this, I think.

Why are you interested in creating games?

I’ve liked to make something and play video games since I can remember. Thanks to developing technologies, it’s easy for an individual to start making video games nowadays.

How do you want to shape your works with game technology?

Music works are something that is listened. Video works are something that is watched. Then video game works are something that is touched. Regardless of sorts of physical senses, every works produce an own sense of time, tempo or rhythm. I want to give a priority to a sense of touching to create an interesting sense of time when I make works with game technology.

Can you elaborate on your workflow and how you treat your ideas?(For your digital 3D works, do you start with concepts and sketches or do you directly start working with softwares?)

It depends on where I am when I come up with ideas, and sorts of ideas. I could write texts, make rough sketches, if I was in from of my computer I could open softwares. I don’t have kind of strict rules of workflow.

Can you share some things that you are curious about these days?

I’ve been re-watching old and famous films these days. (I’ve focused on Japanese films like ones directed by Yasujiro Ozu recently), and I’m amazed at how great masterpieces can still influence us.

Audio seem to have a huge role on your works and you made playful and ingenious experiment with sound with “how to wear sound”. What is the place audio takes in your world?

Audio has a huge role on video works in general, I think. There isn’t a kind of priority or hierarchy between visual and audio.

How did you start making art and working with 3D and, why did you choose to study in an art school?

When I was in high school I thought that the most interesting field to me was art. Then I decided to study in an art school.

If you could instantly teleport an object on your palm, what would it be?

I would send a banana in front of a wild monkey and observe its reaction.
Based in Tokyo, Japan
Games and video works (new media)
website: https://mikyokyuji.com/%20profile